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Home » News » Industry News » China has become the world's largest storage battery market

China has become the world's largest storage battery market
Number of views:17135 Time:2021-11-12

According to the distribution of energy storage projects, China, the United States and Europe are the main markets of global energy storage. In 2020, the total number of electrochemical and transportation in three regions accounted for 86% of the total number of new implementations of global investment. Among them, China's energy storage battery market is the largest, accounting for 33%.

01 Analysis of the current storage battery industry

1. Lithium-ion battery is the main technical route for electrochemical energy storage

According to the Incomplete Statistics of the China Energy Research Association, the global energy storage project library, as of the end of 2020, the global accumulated energy storage project, the amount of pumping energy accounted for 90.3%, and the electrochemical energy storage is 7.5. %,Ranked second. Since pumping energy has a large spatial limitability, electrochemical energy storage begins to rise.

In the technology route of electrochemical energy storage, the lithium-ion battery is the main technical form of electrochemical energy storage. In 2020, the proportion of lithium-ion batteries accounted for 92%, and the ratio of sodium sulfur cells and lead batteries is equivalent, 3.6 is 3.6, respectively. % And 3.5%, the liquid flow battery is 0.7%.

2, the size of the energy storage is rapid

In 2015-2017, the global electrochemical energy storage industry has grown slowly. The annual new installation size is below 1GW, 2018-2020, the global electrochemical energy storage market has enlarged, of which 2020 new installed number reached It is 4.73GW, the cumulative loader is 14.25 gW, a year-on-year increase of 50%.

3. The demand side demand in electrochemical energy accounted for the largest downstream of electrochemical energy storage.

The downstream of the electrochemical energy is mainly divided into the user side, the grid side and power generation side, and the user side demand is mainly divided into power spontaneous self-use, peak valley price difference set; the demand of the grid is mainly systemically modulated, mitigated grid blocking, etc.; power generation side demand Mainly for power peaks and renewable energy grids. Among them, the demand of the grid is the largest, accounting for 42%, and the proportion of power generation side is 30%, and the user side demand is 28%.

4, China is the world's largest energy storage battery market

According to the data released by GGII, 2016-2020, the global energy storage battery demand growth rate is faster, with an annual complex growth rate of 37.35%, 2020, and the global energy storage battery demand is 26.7GWh, a year-on-year increase of 51.7%.

According to the distribution of energy storage projects, China, the United States and Europe are the main markets of global energy storage. In 2020, the total number of electrochemical and transportation in three regions accounted for 86% of the total number of new implementations of global investment. Among them, China's energy storage battery market is the largest, accounting for 33%.

02 Global energy storage battery market will maintain high-speed growth

It is benefited from global carbon neutralization strategic deployment, the cost of energy storage projects, and the urgent needs of the overlay projects and long-term energy storage, and the global energy storage battery market will maintain steadily growth. After calculation, the 2026 global energy storage battery demand is 2119GWH, and the annual composite growth rate CAGR reached 43.5%.

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